Unfriending The Atom - The Whole Zoo

Exotic data from
mundane objects

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How it works
Car air filter used around the Santa Susana Nuclear Field Laboratory after the 2018 Woolsey/Los Angeles Fire - DetailsHow it works: constructing a graphic image of a radioactive artifact
Hair collected from rescued feral Chernobyl dogs, donated to the zoo keepersSole of a Chernobyl worker's boot donated to the zoo keepers - Details
Carnotite ore collected in Moab, Utah by the zoo keeper - DetailsDust from Hanford Nuclear Reservation 1940's employee shuttle bus, collected by the zoo keeper - Details
Toddler's shoe donated by a mom from Japan - DetailsGlove worn by a temporary radioactive contamination cleanup worker in Fukushima, Japan
Case containing a microscopic fragment of material from a nuclear device - Details1815 barn beam completely free of radioactive fallout from atomic testing, hand delivered to the zoo keeper - Details
Teen's shoe donated by a mom from Northern JapanRadioactive microparticle containing americium, found on a public beach, donated by a beachcomber - Details
Desk calendar page, Sat. Sept. 13, from an abandoned Pripyat hospital at Chernobyl - DetailsOvercoat worn during collection of the Sellafield particle, contaminated with plutonium-containing sediment
Ohio oil field worker's helmet, exposed to radium-sludge in fracking wastewater - DetailsOne of >400 sea shells collected around the Plymouth Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in a study of radioactive Cs-137 fission wastes
How it works
Microsample of radioactive salts from abandoned Los Alamos waste water treatment plant in Acid Canyon - a public hiking spaceHow it works: constructing a graphic image of a radioactive artifact

Harvard University Artist Dan Borelli @danborelli and Dr. Marco Kaltofen, @MKaltofen, a Registered Professional Engineer, are the keepers of a global radioactive zoo; collecting samples, objects, and stories from locally-based citizen-scientists.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.